balancey logo

Mindful spending,

made simple.

Understand what you spend for things that you need. Have more money for things that bring you happiness.


illustration of a armchair and money

Easy Budgeting

Create budgets for different categories and see how much you have left to spend each month.

illustration of financial charts

Track Expenses

Easily log your income and transactions and keep track of where your money goes.

illustration of a happy couple

Split Transactions

Share expenses with your spouse or roommates, while everybody keeps their budget. Stay on top of who owes what with split insights.

illustration of a cloud behind a laptop

Cloud Syncing

Sync your data between devices for a seamless budgeting on-the-go and use the app on Android, iOS, and web!

illustration of drawing utensils

Light & Dark Mode

Personalise your app experience with your favourite theme.

illustration of graphs, bars and credit card

Personalized Insights

Receive tailored insights into your monthly and yearly spending patterns.

Change the way you handle money in three easy steps


Create a budget

Budget your money for different categories based on your income. Always know how much you have left for everything you buy.


Track your spending

Get in touch with what you spend. Learn your spending habits and where your money goes.


Change how you view money

Give yourself more money for things you enjoy and save money through understanding your habits.

Ready to change your spending habits?

three young people with mobile devices